Why Must Businesses Promote Using Bing Ads vs. Google Adwords

Bing Ads is a pay-per-click advertising platform developed by Microsoft as part of its Bing search engine. Bing Ads is similar to Google AdWords, providing businesses a way to promote their products and services through search engine marketing.

However, Bing Ads has several advantages over Google AdWords that businesses should consider when deciding on their digital marketing strategy. But why should companies promote products and services using Bing Ads instead of Google AdWords?

1. Fewer Competitions

One significant advantage of Bing Ads is less competition compared to Google AdWords. Google is the most dominant search engine globally, with a market share of over 90%. This dominance means the competition for ad space on Google AdWords is intense.

In contrast, Bing Ads has a smaller market share, meaning there is less ad space competition. The lower competition results in lower cost per click, making Bing Ads a more affordable option for businesses looking to maximize their return on investment.

2. More Granular Control

Another advantage of Bing Ads is that it offers businesses more granular control over their ad campaigns. Bing Ads allows businesses to target their ads based on specific criteria, such as age, gender, and location.

This level of control allows businesses to target their ads to a more relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions. Additionally, Bing Ads will enable companies to schedule their ads to run at specific times, ensuring their ads are seen by their target audience at the right time.

3. Better Device Targeting Options

Bing Ads also offers better device targeting options than Google AdWords. With Bing Ads, businesses can target their ads to desktop, tablet, or mobile devices. This level of control allows companies to tailor their ad campaigns to the specific devices their target audience is using.

For example, if a business’s target audience primarily uses mobile devices, they can optimize their ad campaigns to display better on mobile devices. The level of device targeting ensures that companies are not wasting ad spending on devices their target audience is not using.

4. Transparency in Search Partner Targeting

Bing Ads also offers greater transparency in search partner targeting than Google AdWords. Search partners are websites that display Bing Ads alongside their content. Bing Ads allows businesses to see which search partners their ads appear on, giving them greater control.

Additionally, businesses can exclude specific search partners from displaying ads, increasing their control over ad placement. The level of transparency ensures that companies are not wasting ad spend on search partners irrelevant to their target audience.

5. Controlled Search Demographics

Finally, Bing Ads offers businesses more control over search demographics than Google AdWords. With Bing Ads, businesses can target their ads based on specific demographic criteria, such as age, gender, and income. The level of control allows businesses to target their ads to a more relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Additionally, Bing Ads allows businesses to target their ads based on search behavior, such as previous search history and the device used to search. As a result, it ensures that companies target their ads to the most relevant audience, increasing the effectiveness of their ad campaigns.


Bing Ads offers several advantages over Google AdWords that businesses should consider when deciding on their digital marketing strategy. These advantages include less competition, more granular control, better device targeting options, greater transparency in search partner targeting, and more control over search demographics.

While Google AdWords remains the dominant search engine marketing platform, Bing Ads offers businesses a more affordable and effective alternative. By taking advantage of the unique features of Bing Ads, companies can maximize their return on investment and grow their online presence.

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