With years of experience in SEO, we have proven time and time again to our clients that increasing your online visibility is possible, and along with it your search rankings and traffic to your site.

Today’s SEO is not just about the number of Keywords or Backlinks from websites with high PageRank. It’s also about providing quality content and web pages that are searchable through popular search engines, and driving customers through dedicated sales funnels.

The ultimate goal is to be easily found and to be among the top of site rankings, to gain the visibility necessary to drive real and measurable growth in the profits of one’s business.

Blallo started out as a Marketing agency with a focus on SEO, and we’ve used time and resources to keep up with the constant research, training and testing of new winning marketing strategies.

What SEO services do we offer?

  • SEO campaign management
  • Infrastructure and text analysis
  • Website review
  • Analysis and creation of customized marketing strategies
  • Selection and integration of SEO tools
  • General SEO consulting
  • SEO proof content creation
  • Setup Analytics (GDPR compliant)
  • SEO Audit
  • UX Audit

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it typically take to see results?

5-6 months is the minimum time it takes to see real results. It could take longer but it could also take less. The timing depends on several factors that are analyzed when creating the best strategy. Competitors, target audience and products are just some of the key factors to consider.

Do you offer guarantees?

We cannot guarantee the success of an SEO campaign. If we could guarantee success we’d all be lounging by the sea, wouldn’t we?

What we do, however, allows us to regularly assess progress, apply corrections and arrive at effective campaigns over time.


What makes us different from other marketing agencies?

Blallo is made up of a team of specialists in various fields, but above all it is a group of passionate people who put their souls into their work and want their clients to achieve their goals.

Our team members have experience working with all types of businesses: startups, B2B and B2C, SaaS, e-commerce, etc. We are experts in working with all corporate entities and use our expertise to optimize each client’s bottom line.

By working directly with our digital marketing experts, you’ll benefit from faster and more transparent communication, resulting in a more convenient service.

How do you measure the success of an SEO campaign?

It is very simple, through monthly reports delivered to the client and explained in detail.

In an SEO campaign it is important to evaluate not only the growth of visits, but also to go into detail about keywords, backlinks and various other data. Through these reports it is possible to make precise and cadenced evaluations.

[Free Consultation]

Are you spending a lot of money on advertising but can’t get the results you want?

Are you looking for more sales and leads but have no idea where or how to start?

Ask our Marketing Experts for a consultation. The first one is FREE!