Marketing: strategies for success


What is Marketing?

Over the last twenty years, there has been a lot of talk about marketing, but not everyone understands what it is and its true potential. The less informed believe that it’s simply advertising, others think it’s a normal tool to support their business, while others more prepared, however, have understood the true potential of this incredible tool, but they may not necessarily know how to properly apply it to their business.

In this short page we’ll explain how marketing, properly structured, can really be the ultimate tool to accelerate the success of a company, and also we’ll show you all the tools in our offer to begin to enter the world of Marketing 4.0.

Marketing plan

Vertical Marketing and Horizontal Marketing

Marketing strategies play an absolutely crucial role in the growth of any company and business. Following this statement, it is obvious how a winning marketing strategy must be structured to keep under control many factors, such as:marketing vincente debba essere strutturata per tenere sotto controllo molti fattori, come ad esempio:

  • the type of business;
  • The target audience;
  • The budget;
  • the product/service to be sold.

But not all marketing strategies follow a unique pattern, and in this large macro category we find the two main subcategories: Vertical Marketing and Horizontal Marketing.

Vertical Marketing

The vertical marketing system is that type of marketing strategy in which several companies operate in the same industry but at different levels. Generally speaking, it includes three main players:

  • Manufacturer;
  • Wholesaler;
  • Retailer.

Being so closely linked, a marketing system of this type, in addition to providing the normal advertising canons, also introduces direct and indirect systems of relationships between the various companies working in the same sector.

Horizontal Marketing

The marketing system of horizontal type, is another type of marketing strategy that has a very different approach.

In this system, the different companies work in the same industry but on the same level.

In this case, since the different companies are in strong competition with each other, there will be a need to adopt a totally different marketing strategy based on the strictly personal elements of the company that requires the service.

Marketing and the Web, two inseparable elements

If in the past marketing could often be summarized in a good strategy aimed at making your product known on the main media such as television and newspapers, nowadays the real element to be supported by Marketing is the Web.

In everything we do every day, the Internet is always present. Therefore it would be absurd not to think about the so-called Web Marketing, the main source of knowledge of products and brands.

With an ever-improving web technology, Marketing has also had to evolve at the same pace, introducing the now indispensable Web Marketing, i.e. high-level marketing strategies aimed not only at publicizing one’s own product and brand, but also at building and maintaining a direct and constant relationship with customers.

Marketing online


Strategic Consulting and Marketing Strategies – We provide consulting services and create highly customized strategic marketing plans to address every need;

SEO (Searching Engine Optimization) – We optimize search results for products and brands on all search engines using modern and advanced techniques;

SEM (Searching Engine Marketing) – We optimize search results for all types of e-commerce on all search engines;

Monthly Complete Reports – Summary and complete reports provided every month to objectively analyze the results achieved with the various services;

Website and E-commerce Optimization – Technical and marketing optimization of pre-existing and newly created platforms;

On-site and off-site technical interventions – We ensure that all platforms are always operational and we intervene instantly in case of malfunctions;

Copywriting – We provide a service of writing articles and content of the highest level;

Website and Social Account Creation and Management – We create and manage websites and social accounts to ensure they are always working properly and to make sure they are always in line with the latest, most innovative marketing strategies.