Google Analytics: Europe and the GDPR say STOP!

Google Analytics GDPR

It has now been four years since GDPR, or the “European Data Protection Regulation”, came into effect. Many companies in recent years have had to adapt to the best of their ability to comply with the new regulation, which has brought great changes and great problems at the same time. With the advent of 2022, the EU has made official one more step for privacy-protecting regulations, namely the banding of the widely used Google Analytics platform.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at why this further change and the rationale behind it.

Blallo Analytics ensures privacy, GDPR compliance and offers a state-of-the-art data collection and analysis system!

Google Analytics, what is it all about?

For those who are not familiar with the Google Analytics platform, it is none other than the largest web analytics service on the web. As you can guess from the name, it is a service offered by Google completely free of charge, and its function is to analyze large amounts of data from users running around the cyberweb and compile real statistics and reports on the various visitors to a given site that adopts such a service.

Being a market analysis service, it is mainly used for marketing analysis and by webmasters for better management of their advertising campaigns.

However, being a giant data analyzer, it needs powerful platforms that can process all the information. Such servers are located in their entirety in the United States of America, and this is where the real problems begin.

Blallo Analytics GDPR

Google Analytics and data transferred to the U.S. without adequate safeguards

Some examples are “I accept all Cookies” and “I accept only those Cookies essential to navigation”.

The real problem, as already anticipated, is the fact that all data stored by Google Analytics systems, end up on servers located in the U.S. and this transition has never been regulated in any way due to the inability of internet majors, including Google, to put in place adequate safeguards during the transfer and during the analysis of data on U.S. soil.

Google Analytics 3 & 4 vs. European Union: let’s go into detail

It should be pointed out that as of today the version of Google Analytics is version 3 and will soon be replaced by version 4. Will the latter also be non-compliant?

Absolutely not. Whether it is version 3 (GA3) or version 4 (GA4), Google Analytics is not GDPR compliant.

While version 4 has some important additions regarding privacy management, this wink to the European regulation is by no means enough to be admitted into the regularity imposed by the EU.

As confirmed by the Privacy Guarantor, the Silicon Valley company does not sufficiently protect EU citizens’ data from the invasive surveillance laws on U.S. soil. For this very reason, GDPR cannot be in any way integrated by Google into its systems, as it would go against the federal laws of its own country.

It is also worth pointing out that relations between the EU regulator and the Google company had already soured when the European Court of Justice (ECJ) invalidated Google’s so-called “Privacy Shield,” which was a maneuver attempted by the U.S. company in order to bring data transfers between the United States and Europe into compliance with the law. This crack reached its peak in 2020 with the EU’s litigation against Google for violating GDPR rules.

But without Google Analytics, what can a company do to better manage its marketing?

OUR OFFER: Blallo Analytics

Are you looking for a system that can manage your users’ data without incurring penalties from the European Union?

Do you want to ensure Privacy for your users but at the same time be able to structure winning marketing strategies?

Blallo has just the thing for you. For years in the field of marketing, Blallo has also been at the forefront of privacy and GDPR regulations.

Our Blallo Analytics system GUARANTEES deep analysis of pass-through data ASSURING full compliance with the latest privacy regulations (GDPR).

To learn more visit our page with dedicated service on the Blallo Analytics system.

Also, don’t forget to seek advice from our Privacy, GDPR and Data Analytics Experts.

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