Landing Page: Are you really getting the Most Out of it? Here are some Landing Page Testing to Find Out!

Test Per Landing Page

What is Landing Page Testing?

Imagine your Landing Page like the human body, that is, composed of many elements as different as they are interconnected with each other: titles, text, layout, images, etc.

Keeping this example in mind, testing your Landing Page is like doing several check-ups to find out which parts of it are performing their duty best and which will need to be revised or even replaced.

These tests, carried out through various practical experiments, will help you to enhance the strengths you have developed so far and to refine all those other aspects that need to be changed or simply updated.

Why is it so important to test a Landing Page?

Have you ever tried to build a house of cards in a completely dark room?

Here, finding out what doesn’t work on a Landing Page without knowing which tests to carry out and which elements to touch is like building a castle in the dark.

It seems almost obvious to say that it is far much better to shed light clearly and see the complete picture through a series of precise and well-developed experiments.

Here’s how Landing Page testing can help you in a concrete way.

Landing Page Testing 1

“What is Essential is Invisible to the Eye” – (cit. The Little Prince)

Having an excellent idea to put online is the first step towards success, but the second step is understanding how to transpose your idea in a way compatible with the Web and the general public.

Doing some tests will allow you to see if your ideas, put in a certain way, are actually compatible in the Internet world.

As mentioned, landing page testing go beyond simple hypotheses. In fact, it’s about going beyond hypotheses and discovering actively, and with data, the real impact of your content and design choices, thus ensuring that your Landing Page vision is in line with the most recent trends in marketing matters.

Using this empirical method, you will be able to discover if your ideas are actually in tune with the audience you want to reach, and thanks to this discovery you will be able to create and/or update your Landing Page so that it truly adapts to their needs and interests. of your potential customers.

Understand your Audience Better

By testing a Landing Page, and finding ways to improve it, you will get not only a more functional page but also a lot of information about the niche you want to reach.

The more data you have on the real interests of your potential customers, the easier it will be for you to best align your content, your products and all your services.

Remember, it’s not just a matter of preferences and needs, but also how you present your ideas and products.

Minimize risks

Whatever your business, the first rule is always the same: “minimize risks”!

Keeping this important rule in mind, testing your Landing Page is the lowest risk activity there can be, but one that can give you a high impact based on its success.

Have you tried a variation of your Landing Page without getting good feedback from the public? No problem! All you need to do is restore it to its original form and use the knowledge acquired to better direct your future choices.

The important thing is to make a few good changes at a time, so as to be sure that you can achieve tangible results without compromising your entire marketing strategy and your business.

Pay special attention to the Bouncing Rate

The Bouncing Rate is one of the key parameters to understand if your page is really working.

Having a high Bouncing Rate is a bit like seeing guests leave just a couple of hours into your party. This parameter translates into a clear lack of interest on the part of visitors to your page, a lack of interest caused either by missed expectations or by a simply unattractive or unclear page.

By testing the different elements of your Landing Page, you will be able to discover what your visitors are really interested in and can therefore develop a strategy that will allow you to make them much more involved in your business.

This translates into making your Landing Page more visually appealing and clearer in terms of copywriting.

Pay close attention to problems that are difficult to spot

Sometimes, your Landing Page might have some issues that you aren’t even aware of due to their somewhat subtle nature, for example not giving immediate negative feedback.

Canonical tests serve as your primary diagnostic tool by revealing issues that could impact user experience or conversion rates immediately. Identifying and above all correcting these problems promptly can save you a lot of time and headaches in the future, guaranteeing you a page that works at its best.

Optimize and Fix before starting all over again

Testing a Landing Page means making improvements and implementing clear and precise optimizations.

AVOID starting from scratch every time by deleting everything, often starting from scratch is not the right choice. After all, why throw away something that can simply be repaired and put back into operation?

Testing Landing Pages is both a science and an art, and more precisely the “Art of Fine-tuning”, i.e. identifying problems and consequently making changes based on certain and clear data.

This efficient and effective approach will allow you to continuously refine your page without the need for a total redesign, a job that is certainly much more expensive in terms of money and time.

Types of Landing Page Testing

Now that we have clarified the usefulness of these tests and the right “form of mind” to implement them, let’s find out how to start this process of refining your Landing Page.

Here is a brief overview of the main tests/tools used:

A/B Testing


The A/B Testing, as can be understood from its name, is a test based on the comparison of two versions of the tested element. In the case of Landing Pages, we will have two pages similar to each other which however differ in some elements that are under test. Sometimes, although much more rarely, it happens that you test two Landing Pages that are totally different from each other, but in this case the result you will try to obtain will be feedback purely based on the public’s first impact.

The A/B Testing used most often are those that focus on some specific elements of the page. For example, on page A we will have a title written in a certain way and in its variant B that same title will have been written in a different way to see with which of the two the concept present in the title reaches the reader better.

Other tests could instead focus on images, thus proposing images in variant B of the Landing Page that are slightly or totally different from those on page A.

Visitors will be randomly shown one of these versions and their interactions with the page, i.e. all the clicks, scrolls, various interactions, etc. will be recorded and analysed.

A test of this type, based on the isolation of one change, will allow you to get a crystal-clear picture of how that specific element influences the behavior of your Landing Page visitors.

Simplicity is the key feature that makes A/B Testing one of the favorites and most accessible, especially when it comes to the simplest changes.

As already explained, this test is absolutely perfect for refining specific elements, optimizing conversions and improving the user experience.

Multivariate Testing


Multivariate Testing takes the key concept of A/B Testing and takes it to a higher level.

Instead of simply testing two versions of a Landing Page, this type of test allows you to create three or more variations and split the traffic between them, similar to what is done for A/B Testing.

The main advantage of Multivariate Testing is that they allow you to examine the impact of multiple options.

Let’s say you want to try three different titles. What you will have to do is create at least three pages in which the title will be different thanks to the three variations that you have set.

After showing the various versions to your visitors and after generating enough traffic, you will be able to easily discover, thanks to very clear data, which title will be the best.

Unbounce Smart Traffic

Unbounce Smart Traffic

A/B Testing and Multivariate Testing can help you better understand which content to offer to a particular niche, but you will also need to optimize your traffic to direct the right people to the right page, so as to avoid a high Bouncing Rate.

This is Unbounce Smart Traffic, a powerful traffic optimization tool based on the use of artificial intelligence to analyze the attributes of each visitor, such as device of origin, geographic location, browser used, etc.

Once enough data has been collected thanks to this acquisition method, the AI will direct visitors to the variant of your page most compatible with their tools and interests, in order to increase the conversion success rate.

This type of AI-based routing has managed over the years to bring an impressive increase in conversions to several users of this system, often exceeding 40% of average annual sales.


Landing pages are powerful tools capable of channeling an impressive number of new potential customers towards your business.

However, like all marketing tools, it requires precise and structured fine-tuning both at launch and over time.

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